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- 1
Peter Schjeldahl.
Harper's Magazine, 276(1657):68-70, June 1988.
- 2
Robert Cartmell.
The Incredible Scream Machine: A History of the Roller Coaster.
Bowling Green State University Popular Press, first edition, 1987.
- 3
Steve Voynick.
Coaster crazy!
Compressed Air, 101(8):24-29, December 1996.
- 4
Alfred Clark, Jr.
A primer on roller coaster dynamics part three--passengers
Roller Coaster!, 10(4):24-29, 1989.
- 5
Curtis D. Summers.
Screaming structures.
Civil Engineering, 59(11):40-43, November 1989.
- 6
Jeffrey Kluger.
Ticket to ride.
Discover, 13(8):78, August 1992.
- 7
Barbara Darrow.
The technology of thrills.
Design News, 44(11):130-134, June 1988.
- 8
Robert R. Speers.
Physics and roller coasters-the blue streak at cedar point.
American Journal of Physics, 59(6):528-533, June 1991.
- 9
Alfred Clark, Jr.
A primer on roller coaster dynamics part one--plane and fancy.
Roller Coaster!, 9(4):30-37, 1988.
- 10
Alfred Clark, Jr.
A primer on roller coaster dynamics part two--you can bank on them.
Roller Coaster!, 10(1):32-37, 1989.
- 11
Eric W. Weisstein.
Frenet formulas. Eric's treasure troves of science. University of
Virginia, May 1998.
- 12
Christopher A. Tenaglia.
Graphical simulation of a virtual roller coaster.
Undergraduate honors thesis, The Ohio State University, February
- 13
Curtis F. Gerald and Patrick O. Wheatley.
Applied Numerical Analysis.
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, fifth edition, 1994.
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William H. Press et al.
Numerical recipes in C : The Art of Scientific Computing.
Cambridge University Press, second edition, 1992.
- 15
Eric W. Weisstein.
Cornu spiral. Eric's treasure troves of science. University of
Virginia, April 1998.
Darla Weiss